Lcds Vs Leds


DaA difference between LcDs and lEds




In Todays constant upgrading, technologically advancing world, we hover across variety of gadgets. Today we are gonna discuss about the basics of technology behind  Da magic box “T V” -- The LcD or The lEd .

Generally,Their is this question in our mind whenever we see a promo about t v or whenever we go for purchasing a Tv that What is basic difference between these, which Tv to buy or which Tv has better viewing quality? LcD or lEd.

Generally , as observed LcDs are cheaper than leds  but, Technically speaking, an LED TV is also an LCD TV, as the screen on both is a liquid crystal display. Let me put it In simpler words, lEds are technological advancements of LCDS. In LcDs Cold cathode lights are used as backlight in LCD displays whereas in LEDS displays, the LCD displays with an LED backlight to power up the LCD panel. It means that LEDs are placed behind LCD panel to enhance the luminosity and video definition of the monitor screen

AND due to this basic difference it also confers a number of improvements in the LED displays. Like-

·         Contrast and Black level of the LED screen is better than the LCD screens because the liquid crystals cannot stop 100% of the backlight from cold cathode backlight and hence when the black screen is to be shown on the monitor, it is not completely black.

·         Range and quality of colours & size don’t make difference but viewing angle or in practical life can be explained by an example

try to watch a lcd by

·         first standing in front &

·         then by standing in sides of lcd screen

while seeing it from front it good but when you it see from side  ways

                                                   Kaboom !!!
you will see faded colours or dim colours on screen .
Its not some sort of magic but the viewing angle of lcd

Same problem is not faced in lEds as they have increased viewing angle


·         One more point to remember, if you are more of a environment friendly person, LED displays do not use mercury so they are environment friendly as LcDs (because of their cathode backlight).and lEds again get the vote here as it’s using less light to display its pictures. They are designed to produce a better quality pictures while also using less power than LCD models

·         And Now, the very game changing or decision making difference, that’s


Price:  It becomes a major factor when comparing LCD and LED TVs. LED displays yield a higher price tag, which reflects their efficiency and the better picture quality. LED displays also allow for lighter televisions, but this advantage further helps in beating the retail price up of a television with an LCD display.


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