How To Remove DAa Pen Drive From The PC


The Problem of Ejecting Pen DRives


Most of us have come across the situation where after finishing our work on Pc we Try to Remove Daa "PEN DRIVE" from Pc and suddenly this thought struck's our Mind that whether we should remove the PEN DRIVE  either using eject mass media drive through safe Right click on the taskbar and then Blah Blah..... procedure or just save the time and pull it.

The answer here, in this case is determined due to CACHING, In simpler way its temporary storage area. For example,incase of our browser the files you automatically request by looking at a Web page are stored on your hard disk in a cache subdirectory under the directory for your browser. When you return to a page you've recently looked at, the browser can get those files from the cache rather than the original server, saving you time and saving the network the burden of additional traffic.

Similarly O.S. of your PC does with your Pen drive,which in turn connect's you to again the topic of concern  that which OPERATING SYSTEM you are using .The operating system which generally use such processes are Linux and Apple Macintosh but in case of windows this feature is by default off.

Never remove a flash drive while data is being copied to or from it.
    If you have a Mac or Linux always “eject” the drive before removing it.
    If you use Windows, I recommend “safely removing” the device, just to be on the safe side.

So now You Know DAa Solution to Your Problem. ItS SimPle LiFE!!!

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