Da Beautifull Colour DANCE - 'AURORA BOREALIS'



You may have heard this word AURORA, AURORA BOREALIS or in simple words the special type of rainbow near the poles of earth or to be more specific in Antarctica and in Arctic Region.
It's one of the most beautiful things happening on  OUR Planet "EARTH".
Now many of you would be wondering how does it happens?

                                                                        Don't Panic !!!!

Now as the name of this blog suggests its not much of a rocket science, its generally due to The SUN and The only planet supporting LIFE-- Earth'S interaction. As  we all the SuN is continuously emitting radiations like ultraviolet rays or infrareds rays, sometimes the stream of charged particles(Plasma)
called as SoLaR WiNd is emitted from Sun directed towards Earth, But as our planet Earth'S OZONE layer saves us from the harmful ultraviolet rays and infrareds rays , Similarly their is this MAgNeTosPhErE (directed by Earth'S magnetic field) come's in its way.
                                             A collision take's place between these, Resulting in to a RAINBOW like thing which is none other then "AURORA BOREALIS".
The Aurora is nothing but the output of conversion of  heat energy which is converted into light energy by the law of "Conservation Of Energy" & Various Colours of light are due to different Wavelengths of light reaching our EYE'S.

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